
November 8
Get contact info for the people in your group if you don't already have it!

Song Lyrics

Glorious Day
Living Hope
Take Courage

Discussion Questions
The morning passage: John 16:25-33

Going Deeper—
What does it take to ask more questions of God?
Why is it difficult to ask God for really big things? And why is it difficult to ask God for
really small things?
Look up Romans 8:32 and discuss the Father’s attitude towards us.

Going Further—
Let your sanctified imagination wonder and don’t be afraid to ask God for the impossible.
Make a list of the things you ask God for and note the date you asked it and the date(s)
that he provided the answer. Look up and pray through Luke 11:9-13.

Growing Closer—
Ask if there are any prayer needs.
And pray that your group has courage to ask the question.