
Proverb 1

Daily Devotional from Proverb 1—

Verse 33
…but whoever listens to me will dwell secure and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.

“Me” in this verse is the voice of Wisdom. The best source for wisdom, then and now, is the Word of God. Sometimes we need godly men and women who understand the Bible and the times, to help us find the wisdom in God’s Word. That’s what Bible studies and reading buddies are for – to help us find those nuggets of wisdom!

And look what it says we will find when we listen to the voice of Wisdom – not only Wisdom itself, but a sense of security, ease, and peace even amid the storms. Disasters do come, to be sure, but if our focus is on God’s Word – His promises, His instructions, His wisdom, we can endure disaster without dread, without fear. Remember that as you go through this year, and stick to reading His Word daily – you won’t regret it!

Audrey Rogers

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